From Maltatoday
There are over 300 fish species and endless varieties of other marine species inhabiting the Central Mediterranean region, and nature enabled those organisms to develop mechanisms that aid in their survival and evolution, to catch food and defend themselves against predators.
Dr David James Sammut, author of a two-part article ‘Dangerous creatures of the Maltese sea: Injuries and treatment’ in the Malta Medical Journal, laid down a thorough analysis of harmful organisms that roam the Maltese waters, how to watch out for them and how to deal with any injuries.
The treatments mentioned below are not evidence-based, as barely any scientific studies are currently available.
Serious injuries are often rare and human activity, rather than the sea creatures are the cause of them. Samut says that miscalculation of risky bathing in strong currents and scuba diving when one is not perfectly fit can result in fatalities.
Read more at Maltatoday