In May’s issue of the SCUBA Magazine, issued by the British Sub-Aqua Club and distributed globally to BSAC members and on newsstands, the Um el Faroud’s Bow stands proud and magnificent. The below Facebook post shows a picture of the front cover and other snippets shared by the article’s author.
Malta is described as a wreck diver’s dream on the cover and more is explained in the 8-page Travel special feature penned by Daniel Xerri and with photographs by Jon Borg. The article goes into a packed description of the different wrecks dotted around the Maltese Islands. In the graphic image reproduced within the article 36 different wrecks are listed (though a few seem to have escaped the list as they are a bit unloved wreck sites and out of most dive centres’ regular plans, whilst others are worthy of enhanced protection and not yet ready to be opened up to divers).
Well done to the contributors of text and photos in this article and we hope that our own co-nationals appreciate more the significant dive sites and underwater cultural heritage that surrounds the islands, as visitors many time do and carry out repeat visits!