Last year a local “Blue Culture Technology Excellence hubs” (BCTHubs.eu) research project was announced, in which DAN Europe Foundation, the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, Institute of Tourism Studies and AquaBio Tech Limited joined together as project partners.
Project description:
BCThubs aims to build in the participating Widening countries (i.e. Greece, Bulgaria and Malta), Blue Culture Technology Excellence Hubs, as permanent structures, supporting with new innovative solutions and products, the sustainable protection, restoration, valorisation, management, accessibility and promotion of UWCH. Although the new Hubs will be scoped regionally, they will be interconnected and oriented towards national and international synergies (i.e. beyond regional borders), pursuing cross-border collaborations on common strategic goals and alongside value adding chains. Each Excellence Hub will bring together all regional/national actors related to Blue Culture and UWCH, including research/academia, businesses, public sector, and societal actors (i.e. 4-helix approach), which will mutually reinforce their capacities and effectiveness, towards raising innovation excellence in sustainable Blue Economy/Culture in respective regions
About – BCThubs
The local project partners have announce that they are organising a stakeholder event at 9:00 AM on Thursday 6 February 2025 in Mosta, for which we encourage divers who may be interested in the project to attend.
The Invitation issued by the organisers may be found below
On behalf of the four Maltese partners – Aquabiotech Ltd., DAN Europe Foundation, Institute of Tourism Studies and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage – forming part of the BCThubs – “Blue Culture Technology Excellence Hubs in EU Widening Member States”project (https://bcthubs.eu/), I would like to invite you to attend the stakeholder meeting that we will be organising on the morning of the 6th of February, 2025.
We would like to share the progress of BCThubs project so far, the functions that will be carried out the permanent research hub and the opportunities available for all interested stakeholders to contribute and make use of the training courses that will be made available.
This will be held at Aqua Bio Tech Group premises situated at Central Complex, Naggar Street, Targa Gap, Mosta. (details in separate PDF document provided). Please confirm your attendance here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=e3VPRDDLUkaTvMqNbR74E7aKvvFw2
ulLjdteL9C38bhUOUlVUzFSNEIwQVZGWkZDVDNFRDQ3SzlMRi4uThis will also be an opportunity to illustrate an online survey that we plan to share with all stakeholders. This online survey that looks at the maturity of physical and digital competencies with respect to underwater cultural heritage (UCH).
It is estimated that the event will start at 0900 and conclude by 1130. A comprehensive agenda will be circulated shortly. Should you require any further information please feel free to contact the undersigned on: simon.caruana@its.edu.mt.
We will be looking forward to meeting you.
Simon Caruana PhD
c/o BCThubs