Reference Books and Literature
Planning a dive or want to research a bit what was that fish you saw on your last dive in an “offline” mode? We include below some guide books and books about marine life around the Maltese Islands, dive sites as well as other related books that might be of interest to divers.
- “Scuba Diving Malta, Gozo, Comino” by Peter LemonInformation from the Author’s Website This publication covers 97 dive sites around the Maltese Islands based on the author’s experience of over 1500 dives in the waters of the Maltese Islands over a period of almost twenty five years. It is a comprehensive full colour 224 page guide, to 45 illustrated dive sites each with Read More
- “Diving Gozo & Comino”Information from Malta Online Bookshop Gozo, Malta, has a multitude of underwater attractions. Divers can explore breathtaking caves, tunnels, wrecks, reefs and bays. Add to this profusion of marine life and you can understand why diving here is consistently voted amongst the best in Europe. By: Richard Salter Format: paperback The most comprehensive guide about Read More
- Fishes And Other Marine Animals by Mark Anthony Falzon, Patrick J. SchembriInformation from Malta Online Bookshop and University of Malta Fishes and Other Marine Animals of the Maltese Islands has just been published by BDL. The book illustrates and discusses a selection of the species of fishes and marine invertebrates that are likely to be encountered by nearshore snorkelers and beachcombers. It is written in non-technical language Read More
- Paulus – The Shipwreck 60ADAbout this book from the website dedicate to this book: This book, narrating the discovery of an ancient lead anchor stock embossed with the names of the Egyptian gods ISIS and SARAPI(S) in the seabed off Salina Bay on a Sunday morning in April, 2005, is also the story of the search for the Read More
- Call-Out by Frederick GaleaA wartime diary of the air/sea rescue operations at Malta. Some of these stories include aircraft that are now part of the Malta Virtual Underwater Museum. Stories of recoveries of some of these aircraft are also included in Frederick Galea’s Aviation Historical Recoveries section on our site. By: Frederick R Galea Format: Hardback No of Read More
- Xlendi And Its Ancient Shipwrecks – John WoodsFrom the Malta Online Bookshop Two major mysteries lurk behind the history of the picturesque village of Xlendi in Gozo. Just outside the mouth of its bay two treacherous reefs have been the cause of multiple shipwrecks, at least since Punic and Roman times. In 1961 a British services underwater team along with students from Read More
- Archaeology and the Sea in the Maltese IslandsFrom The Maltese Islands have, since ancient times, been witness to various degrees of maritime activity. This movement of ships was mainly linked to the island’ excellent harbours. Over the last 50 years, the introduction and rapid increase of SCUBA diving around Malta and Gozo has led to numerous archaeological discoveries on the seabed. Read More
- Marine Biodiversity in the MediterraneanBook by Stanley Farrugia Randon with the help of Marine Biologist Prof. Alan Deidun From We have all heard the phrase ‘under the sea there is another world’. This is uncannily true, with life starting in the water and evolving into a myriad of forms which still amaze us with their diversity and perfection Read More
- The Marine Shelled Mollusca of the Maltese IslandsBook by C. Cachia, C. Mifsud, P.M. Sammut From:
- Molluscs of the Mediterranean SeaBook by Stanley Farrugia Randon From BDL books:
- Mediterranean Sea Fishes (Central Region)Book by Rio Sammut From: Classification . nomenclature characteristics . habits central information From Malta Online Bookshop description
- Other Fish in the Mediterranean SeaBook by Stanley Faarrugia Randon and Robert Micallef From BDL books:
- Popular Fish in the Mediterranean SeaBook by Stanley Farrugia Randon and Robert Micallef From:
- Maritime MaltaBook with Photography by Kurt Arrigo and text by Prof Timmy Gambin From Malta Online Bookshop: The sea story of Malta and Gozo – the natural continuation to Grand Harbour Malta The sea and coastal areas have always been viewed by humans as places of intrigue, danger, threat and opportunity – they evoke fluid Read More
- Underwater Treasures of Malta & GozoInformation from
- Fifth edition of Scuba Diving Malta Gozo Comino now available!The “Ultimate guide to diving the Maltese Islands” is now out for sale from leading bookshops and dive centres. This Fifth edition has been updated with many new pictures and wrecks, and includes a dedicated section for the wrecks managed by the Underwater Cultural Heritage Unit at Heritage Malta. This book is the fruit of Read More