Updated 02/08/2023
The below is correspondence we sent to MTA and the St. Paul’s Bay Local Council regarding the Sirens and Qawra Point diving sites on the 18/07/2023
We received comments from diving instructors regarding the following diving sites which we would like to pass on and ask if you can do something about the issues highlighted below. St. Paul’s Bay local council is copied as parking signs are included in the comments.
Qawra Point:
No signs indicating which parking spaces are reserved for Divers’ vehicles (schools or individuals showing proper diving qualification behind the windscreen) near the entry point at Qawra Point (behind beach accessories kiosk) are in place.
They also reported that these spots are also being used by other vehicles not of divers, persons with different abilities nor Red Cross, therefore, without authorisation. The sign near Fra Ben should also indicate clearly which vehicles are authorised to enter and enforcement through LESA encouraged.
Neither are any signs in place providing information about the dive site, like in other locations around the coast.
The area has become a hub of activity year-round, thanks to the new facilities thereat. Hence it is problematic to find spots for diving training. Dive Centres around the north frequent the site regularly for new divers’ basic training. Hence, it is suggested that two spots are reserved for diving support vehicles (showing again the proper diving qualification behind the windscreen). Ideally one should be near the kiosk, in a location which allows the larger vans to maneuver (ideally, sea-side, last spot from water entry), whilst the other would be ideal amongst parking spaces parallel to coast closer to the small loading quay at il-Menqa, in the area where the pavement is quite wide.
Again, no signs indicating information about the dive site are in place here.
Your attention is kindly solicited to improve these sites.
divinginfo.mt email, following contact by Diving Instructors
- A reminder was sent on the 28/07/2023 due to no reply by any recipient
- SPB local council acknowledged receipt on the 02/08/2023 and advised it would look into the issue. The Mayor later was in touch with us and advised that the Qawra point is not within the local council’s responsibility (referred us to MTA), and that for Sirens he disagreed with assigning diving vehicle spots due to parking pressures within the locality and that then, other claims may be made for different reasons.
- MTA has not communicated back yet as of the 02/08/2023.