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Żibel Shares Ghost Net Removal From Xatt l-Aħmar On World Ocean Day
NGO Żibel Shared information about a Ghost Net Removal From Xatt l-Aħmar On World Ocean Day. They also recently announced removing another net from the wreck of the SS Margit, in Kalkara Creek. On a regular basis, the NGO has also cleared off underwater sites at various locations and it’s surely a case of, hand Read More

Plan to create new salt pans in Xwejni, Gozo, dropped after strong objections
The objections of the local diving community and other environmental NGO’s seem to have hit the target, with the controversial project having now been withdrawn according to the Timesofmalta.com article published today. The site in question leads to a much frequented diving site in Gozo with one of the most famous locations, that of the Read More

Underwater Cleanup at Senglea
On the 31st July, ATLAM closed off a diving events week with an underwater cleanup at Senglea. By just looking at the pictures, seems like they brought up lots of old stuff (including someone’s old robot!), and left the place a lot cleaner. Well done to all those organising and involved!

Upgrades at Dwejra Environmental Education Centre
In a post on Facebook, Professor Alan Deidun announced that new LED digital displays have been provided to the Dwejra Environmental Education Centre, managed by the San Lawrenz Local Council, as part of the CORALLO +SI project (Interreg Italia-Malta 2014-2020 Programme) This centre is located at Dwejra Gozo, and is a nice stop if you’re Read More

Exhibition and engagement event on the Draft Management Plan for the Ċirkewwa Marine Park
The Malta Tourism Authority and Nature Trust – FEE Malta are holding an exhibition and an engagement event on the Ċirkewwa Marine Park. The event will include presentation of the Draft Management Plan for the Marine Park and will be held on the18 January 2023 at the National Aquarium between 14:00 and 20:00. For those who are interested, there Read More

Um el Faroud graces the SCUBA Magazine front cover
In May’s issue of the SCUBA Magazine, issued by the British Sub-Aqua Club and distributed globally to BSAC members and on newsstands, the Um el Faroud’s Bow stands proud and magnificent. The below Facebook post shows a picture of the front cover and other snippets shared by the article’s author. Malta is described as a Read More