Book by Stanley Farrugia Randon with the help of Marine Biologist Prof. Alan Deidun
We have all heard the phrase ‘under the sea there is another world’. This is uncannily true, with life starting in the water and evolving into a myriad of forms which still amaze us with their diversity and perfection in design. Many might be familiar with charismatic groups of marine species, such as the seagrasses, algae, crustaceans and molluscs. However, other groups such as tunicates, bryozoa and echinoderms have developed characteristics which cannot be likened to any organism on land. This book gives a kaleidoscopic overview of flagship species from each group that our seabed and water column have to offer. No book can, however, render justice to the immense number of species which one can encounter, but at least it serves as a good guide to snorkelers and divers who enjoy plying this world. It is beyond the scope of the book to give a detailed scientific description of each species mentioned; in such a way the text can be understood by anyone, even those without a scientific background.
From BDL Website