We’ve recently been contacted by two different local divers who are currently organising trips for local divers to other spots in the world. We love our diving environment but like everything, sometimes you want to diversify a bit 🙂
And if you don’t know any of the divers going for these trips, there’s plenty of time to socialise before and maybe do a few dives together.
July – Red Sea – Deep South
Jon Borg told us there’s two spots left – who knows maybe for Valentine this could be a nice present (especially if you missed getting one for your mermaid!). Don’t let her be scared by the shark, follow your guide’s instructions and it will be no drama.

November – Maldives
Victor Micallef put out some time ago the below post. We’ve been told there’s few spots still available! Maldives trips are a bit more distant… but the life is worth it. Scared of currents? Come on, freshly qualified divers visit this place regularly too, so you’re more than up to the challenge!

Maybe if your pockets are deep and holidays are not an issue, or you recently retired or just want to strike off another one off the bucket list you might take both trips! What’s for sure – you’ll be in the company of great Maltese divers!
Just prepare a large travel bag as somehow it’s always a challenge closing those zippers…!