This recent media article mentions some diving-related drownings, especially noting that most were visitors to our islands.
Unfortunately, there is no local proper accident investigation process that provides data for divers to understand the possible causes of diving-related incidents, partly due to confidentiality of criminal inquiries launched in every diving accident where a diver suffered serious or life-threatening conditions, partly as still, there is no central diving related co-ordinating or governing body which could even work on starting that.
In the absence of a proper framework, even statistics are unclear. Whilst other recent media articles quoted higher figures of diving-related accidents, the one above only quotes a handful.
Our site collects media reports and cases which were in the public domain, which are not all of them. You may see this list in our “Diving related accidents” topic at:
According to our list, in the last 10 years, 29 divers/free divers/spearfishermen lost their life whilst diving around our islands, averaging just under three a year.
By far the deadliest however was the year 2012, when five fatalities were noted.
The aim of that list is to self-assess our actions prior to, during and after diving and consider whether we may be putting ourselves, or others, at unnecessary risk.