As part of our continued chasing to ensure that the 2022 Diving strategy does not meet the fate of the 2012 one (mainly forgotten), we keep an eye on developments and prod sometimes to ask for updates. Whilst answers from the Malta Tourism Authority have not been forthcoming, rather, quite the opposite, questions made in parliament sometimes bring some answers… if you can call them so.
In the 2022 Diving Masterplan / Strategy, one could note the following as an action point under Objective 2: Improve the protection and management of the dive sites and the diving resource.
“Action: Appoint a single entity with overall responsibility for the provision and maintenance of infrastructure at Designated Shore Dive Sites in Malta
From “Developing a sustainable diving industry in the Maltese Islands – A Strategy for the future, 2022“
There is a fragmented approach currently to the provision and maintenance of infrastructure at the shore dive sites in particular, and in Malta especially.
In Malta, as mentioned, the provision of infrastructure to facilitate divers getting into / out of the water is the responsibility of the MTA (contracted out to either the Government Works Department or the PDSA). Where dive sites are close to Swimmer Zones, and ladders / railings are shared with swimmers, the Cleansing and Maintenance Division (Beach Cleansing Unit) of the Ministry for Tourism, as well as certain local councils, also have the responsibility.
In Gozo and Comino, the responsibility for providing infrastructure for accessing the water lies with the MGOZ.
There is a clear need for the simplification of responsibility for the provision and maintenance of infrastructure at the shore-based dive sites in Malta in particular, including through the appointment of one managing entity.
The Strategy envisages the review of the current management arrangements for the provision and maintenance of infrastructure at the Designated Shore Dive Sites, and the appointment of a single entity with overall management responsibility. This entity would have overall responsibility for managing the infrastructure at the dive sites, including the putting in place of new / replacement infrastructure as necessary, and to ensure that the infrastructure remains fit for purpose over time.”
Over the last few days, the Minister for Tourism has replied to parliamentary question 16300 raised by MP Ivan Bartolo in connection with the above action point. The Minister’s reply for this was that:
” I inform the Hon. Questioner that the Diving Strategy which was launched in 2022 does not make any reference to the establishment of any new entity to take care of the sites popular with divers in Malta. The strategy requires an entity to be appointed to take responsibility for the provision and maintenance of infrastructure of shore dive sites . This entity is the Maltese Tourism Authority “
Parliamentary question 16300
As a slight commentary from our end, our question is: so what was the action? Was it just formalising? And what are the results of that since only a handful of the official shore diving sites seem to get some tender loving care?
Just as a reminder, these sites include: