Originally published on the 15/06/2023 – additional information on 05/07/2023
Transport Malta issued a Notice to Mariners (100/2023) indicated a safety area around the crumbling Cirkewwa Lantern.
We are informed that Transport Malta and Infrastructure Malta are looking into this overdue issue, as the lantern has been out of commission for ages and swift action was called for by many so that any potential danger from its crumbling base is addressed as soon as possible. The immediate access to the lantern, a vantage spot for birdwatching and also one to monitor divers in the water was closed off some years ago due to this risk.
Recent photos provided to divingifo.mt also provide a closeup picture (and evidence) of the precariousness of the structure, with various bits already having fallen in the surrounding area. In recent days it was noted that initial survey works might have been done, however no visible work appears to have started.

divinginfo.mt also reminds divers to avoid loitering just under the lantern, especially when using the entry point for Tug Boat Rozi at the Ċirkewwa Marine Park.
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