Marine Biology

Course announced: The Coastal and Marine Habitats of the Maltese Islands

Course announced: The Coastal and Marine Habitats of the Maltese Islands

For the divers and general public a new short course has been announced which will give you an insight into the Coastal and Marine Habitats of the Maltese Islands. The course will be spread over two Saturday mornings, starting on 15 July 2025, and includes as well a snorkeling experience. The course will be held Read More

New spot to report your alien sightings!

New spot to report your alien sightings!

After a few months of refurbishment, the Spot the Alien page has been relaunched following a complete revamp! This citizen science campaign is spearheaded by local marine biologist Prof. Alan Deidun and supported by ERA, the University of Malta Oceanography Malta Research Group and the International Ocean Institute The website serves as both an informative Read More

Sharklab-Malta Bombs to Batoids booklet published

Sharklab-Malta Bombs to Batoids booklet published

Last summer, Sharklab-Malta carried out a set of research dives at the Marine Protected Area of Filfla with the aim of researching the population of rays and other species in the zone, building up on past research. With the assistance of volunteer local divers, they scoured the sea around Filfla to take stock of the Read More

FishID+ Malta by Bezz Diving and Bruno Pedreira

FishID+ Malta by Bezz Diving and Bruno Pedreira

Recently, this PDF file with pictures and hyperlinks to additional information of many forms of life found around the Maltese coastline was shared on the local Diving Instructors’ social media group. This guide, which has been put together by Australian Diving Instructor Bruno Pedreira who works for Bezz Diving is a good start for finding Read More

Filfla results presented at the European Elasmobranch Association Conference, in Greece

Filfla results presented at the European Elasmobranch Association Conference, in Greece

Over several weekends this summer, Sharklab-Malta ran the “Bombs to Batoids” project with the assistance of volunteer citizen science divers, the research team of Sharklab-Malta, Galaxy Charters and the Environment, and Resources Authority of Malta. Divers carried out circa 160 scientifically planned dives at the Filfla Marine Protected area keeping sharp eyes for different species Read More

Time for some learning? BIO1100 – An introduction to Marine Biology

Time for some learning? BIO1100 – An introduction to Marine Biology

The Faculty of Science at the University of Malta announced that an intake is in progress for a short course (1 Semester – Part-time one a week in the evenings) in Marine Biology. Persons with no University background in the past but a keen interest in the marine evironment will find this interesting and eye-opening. Read More

Great Shark Snapshot (or rays mostly in our case)

Great Shark Snapshot (or rays mostly in our case)

Sharklab-Malta are invited the general diving public to participate in an international initiative aimed at  gathering vital information about sharks, skates and rays around the world by utilizing citizen science, whilst raising conservation awareness about the importance of these creatures in our oceans. We are emailing you to raise awareness of an event called the Read More

Ambjent Malta offering free snorkel tours

Ambjent Malta offering free snorkel tours

Ambjent Malta is advertising free snorkel tours open for adults. Details below In English: Join us for an educational snorkeling tour to discover the diverse marine habitats in our Marine Protected Areas at Golden Bay and Riviera.This activity is free of charge and open for all the family members above the age of 18 years. Read More

Dolphins, whales, turtles, sharks, jellyfish blooms and alien species sighting reports – BICREF Form

Dolphins, whales, turtles, sharks, jellyfish blooms and alien species sighting reports – BICREF Form

Transport Malta has recently announced Local Notice to Mariners number 017 of 2024. The annual notice states that sightings of Dolphins, Whales, Turtles, Sharks, Rays, Jellyfish blooms and other alien species seen or caught during fishing may be reported to Professor Adriana Vella of the University of Malta, whose contact details are published on the Read More

Topics in Marine Biology – UoM Course starting March 2024

Topics in Marine Biology – UoM Course starting March 2024

The Department of Biology at the University of Malta is organising a short evening course starting in March 2024 titled Topics in Marine Biology. The course, spread over three months, gives an insight for the curious divers and general public about different facets of the marine environment around us. Highly recommended for those whose careers Read More

Underwater noise mapping

Underwater noise mapping

An article by Professor Alan Deidun published recently on highlights the emerging awareness of the detrimental effects of underwater noise on marine ecosystems, particularly low-frequency noises from ships in Malta. However, research is still in its early stages, lacking essential data on continuous underwater noise. This deficiency hampers compliance with European agreements, such as Read More

Sea Slug – Tethys fimbriae

Sea Slug – Tethys fimbriae

Professor Alan Deidun recently shared on social media a photo and sighting reported by local diving instructor Lewis Mark Sell of a beautiful and unusual Sea Slug – Tethys fimbriae, which according to Prof. Deidun is a native species of the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic Ocean. More information about this beautiful creature from

Moon Jellyfish

Moon Jellyfish

The below picture was snapped at the Cirkewwa Marine Park on the 1st day of the year, and portrays a Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia Sp.), an infrequent type of jellyfish for our waters. More species information & opportunity to file reports for sightings of such species at

ERA publishes summary of Sea Urchin study

ERA publishes summary of Sea Urchin study

Earlier this summer, the Government announced that a two-year moratorium was put into effect on the exploitation of Sea Urchins, citing that a study indicated that the reduction in numbers required this measure. asked the Environmental Resources Authority for details of this study so that it is shared with divers as well as the Read More

Marine Protected Areas boards

Marine Protected Areas boards

This summer, Ambjent Malta in collaboration with the Environmental Resources Authority installed various information boards around our coast in the vicinity of Marine Protected Areas. Two of these, covering protecting areas at Ramla l-Hamra and Comino are the below. The boards provide general information about Malta’s Marine Protected areas, QR codes to obtain more information Read More

Safeguarding the local sea urchin populations

Safeguarding the local sea urchin populations

In a sponsored article on, ERA provides information about the importance of sea urchins within the local marine environment and encourages the public to follow the two year moratorium announced two months ago. Sea urchins have a pivotal role in maintaining a balance and improving the overall health of our marine ecosystems by keeping Read More

Project Poseidon – reforesting Neptune Grass (Posidonia Oceanica)

Project Poseidon – reforesting Neptune Grass (Posidonia Oceanica) reports that a new project named Poseidon is starting off with the aim to protect Posidonia oceanica and reforesting. While happily swimming in a Maltese beach this summer, you may occasionally feel soft seagrass stroking your feet. Likely, you have encountered something that is saving our planet: Posidonia oceanica, known locally as ‘alka’ and also Read More

European Barracuda

European Barracuda

Post by Alan Deidun on Facebook on the 29/08/2023 The perfect predator….shoals of the largest barracuda species in the Mediterranean….the European barracuda (Sphyraena sphyraena, ‘lizz’ in native Maltese), whose shoals can be 200 strong…this species reproduces in late spring, with a single female lying up to 300,000 eggs…the body is perfectly streamlined for fast speeds Read More

Remora sighting

Remora sighting

Remora are infrequently sighted along the Maltese coastline, but their presence normally is understood to mean that some bigger fish were passing by. The fish has a curious habit of using the suckers over its head to stick itself to larger fish, and sometimes even attempts to stick with divers 🙂 Nice picture of a Read More

Marine Biodiversity in the Mediterranean

Marine Biodiversity in the Mediterranean

Book by Stanley Farrugia Randon with the help of Marine Biologist Prof. Alan Deidun From We have all heard the phrase ‘under the sea there is another world’. This is uncannily true, with life starting in the water and evolving into a myriad of forms which still amaze us with their diversity and perfection Read More

Slender snipe eel – Nemichthys scolopaceus

Slender snipe eel – Nemichthys scolopaceus

A creature out of this world…the slender snipe eel..Nemichthys scolopaceus…a deep-water species recently caught in Maltese waters….thanks to Clayton Carabott for the photo…. #oceanographymalta#oceanography#marinebiologylife#marinebiodiversity#marinebiologist#marineecology#marinecology#fish@ioihq Alan Deidun in Facebook Post

It’s not a scared Moray eel, but a Fangtooth Moray!

It’s not a scared Moray eel, but a Fangtooth Moray!

This moray eel does not look so pale because it got scared when it saw you, but rather because it’s a distant cousin from colder waters! Thanks to Alan Deidun for sharing the information in a FB post! Look at those fangs! The fangtooth moray (Enchelycore anatina), a species originally native of the north-east Atlantic Read More

July’s Plant of the month by the FoEM – Posidonia Oceanica – Neptune Grass

July’s Plant of the month by the FoEM – Posidonia Oceanica – Neptune Grass

We stumbled upon this informative article about Neptune Grass by Friends of the Earth Malta. Many of us divers may look at it as uninteresting and just some grass, but it’s something altogether different and important. Next time you visit a beach along the Mediterranean coast with Posidonia leaves washed ashore take some time to Read More

Marine life in the Mediterranean stamps

Marine life in the Mediterranean stamps

The Malta Independent recently announced that a set of stamps portraying Marine Life is being issued by the local postal operator. The Mediterranean Sea is home to a stunning variety of marine life. To encourage the preservation of our natural environment and the protection of unique marine fauna, MaltaPost introduces a set of five stamps Read More

Mermaid’s wineglass – Acetabularia acetabulum

Mermaid’s wineglass – Acetabularia acetabulum

The mermaid’s wineglass….one of the largest single-celled organisms around! The scientific name of this miniature umbrella, encountered in 1 or 2m of water, is Acetabularia acetabulum, with ‘acetabulum’ representing the Greek word for a shallow plate used for the dipping of bread…. A post by Alan Deidun on Facebook on the 19/07/2023

Mediterranean slipper lobster

Mediterranean slipper lobster

An armoured tank underwater…..the Mediterranean slipper lobster (Scyllarides latus….xkall in Maltese)….this clumsy species makes up for the lack of claws, normally found in lobsters, through its thick body armour…it generally prefers caves and shaded overhangs during the day and it is frequently poached, unfortunately….photo courtesy to colleague Alessio Marrone…. Post by Alan Deidun on Facebook

Box jellyfish season

Box jellyfish season

It’s box jellyfish season….this species luckily is far LESS dangerous than its renowned cousin, the sea wasp (Australian box jellyfish), prefers yacht marina and harbour areas, is mostly visible at night and has relatively good eyesight…best treatment for its stings is vinegar…..thanks to Kersten for the video, taken a few days ago…..Spot the Jellyfish campaign…. Read More

The mollusc which lost its shell…

The mollusc which lost its shell…

Where’s your shell buddy? This is a nudibranch, a mollusc with no shell whose name literally stands for ‘naked gills’……these flamboyant species are favourites for underwater photography….this could potentially be Fjordia lineata, although caution is advised given the difficulty in pinning down the exact species for this group…photo courtesy of colleague Alessio Marrone… Post by Read More



Grumpy old Sam…..this is a fine specimen of red scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa), fully decked in its camouflage suite….known as cippullazza in Maltese and, despite its venomous spines, is a highly-prized fish in local restaurants….photo courtesy of colleague Alessio Marrone Post by Alan Deidun on Facebook

Sea Urchin harvesting moratorium – fines starting at €500!

Sea Urchin harvesting moratorium – fines starting at €500!

The Government announced through a press release by the DOI that Sea Urchin harvesting is now subject to a two-year moratorium. As of today, Friday 7th July, a two-year moratorium on sea urchin collection will come into effect The Government has launched two joint initiatives in an effort to replenish the sea urchin’s population. Sea Read More

Brittle star

Brittle star

Serpentine arms for walking around….this is a brittle star, a close relative of Starfish and sea urchins which uses its flexible arms to move around….it can lose most of its arms and can re-grow all of them as.long as it still has one left…..nocturnal predators….photo courtesy of colleague Alessio Marrone Post by Alan Deidun on Read More

Dolphins ahoy!

Dolphins ahoy!

Dolphins ahoy! Up and close with these graceful creatures in the south Comino Channel (Maltese Islands, central Mediterranean) during our annual Oceanography Masters bootcamp…thanks to Sarah Abela, Beatrice Greiner and Dr. Adam Gauci for the videos…..stop thinking about it! Join next year’s MSc in Applied Oceanography (one-year, starting from next October)! Post by Alan Deidun Read More

Now you know… getting to know something more about marine life around us

Now you know… getting to know something more about marine life around us

Victor Micallef is a local diver with a keen interest in photography but also marine biology. Over the last year or so, he published on Facebook a nice set of curiosities about different species that inhabit Maltese waters and also from further afar. We collect them below. Victor also has an interesting blog called My Read More

Shark release event sees 9 Nursehound sharks free, but also a suspended Gozo Ferry service.

Shark release event sees 9 Nursehound sharks free, but also a suspended Gozo Ferry service.

What started off as another shark release of sharks hatched from dead shark’s eggs, a project by Sharklab and the Malta National Aquarium that you can read about here, ended up in a bit of controversy today at Cirkewwa. Whilst originally the release was meant to be carried out at the South Quay in Cirkewwa, Read More

Sawback Angel Shark – caught as bycatch but released!

Sawback Angel Shark – caught as bycatch but released!

Marine Biologist Alan Deidun shared this picture of a Sawback Angel Shark who was caught in Maltese waters as bycatch. It was nice to hear from Prof. Deidun that the fisherman involved has released it back alive! He also shared some interesting information, including a reminder that it is a proected and endangered species! A Read More

Lesser amberjack

Lesser amberjack

The lesser amberjack (Cervjola tal-faxxi; Seriola fasciata), a close relative of the amberjack (accjola) and native of the west Atlantic (Caribbean sea, etc)……the species was first recorded in Maltese waters almost 20 years ago and it frequents lampuki floats…thanks to Gabriel Bugelli for the video! Spot the Alien Fish campaign….. Post by Alan Deidun on Read More

Seahorses at risk – Mgarr ix-Xini

Seahorses at risk – Mgarr ix-Xini

The above picture and post explains it all. Seahorses getting decimated by indiscriminate anchoring. Mgarr ix-Xini needs either a ban on anchoring or fixed moorings to protect seahorses, which unlike fish, are not fast swimmers and cannot avoid being trampled by anchors and chains. The Conservation objectives and measures for Malta’s marine Natura 2000 sites Read More

Conservation objectives and measures for Malta’s marine Natura 2000 sites

Conservation objectives and measures for Malta’s marine Natura 2000 sites

Over the last few years, especially pre-pandemic, divers’ representatives and other stakeholders were consulted on various instances with regard to the establishment of Conservation objectives and measures for Malta’s marine Natura 2000 sites (in short: MPA’s). A draft had been even presented back in 2021. Back in January 2023 (or February 2023 as the filename Read More

TMI: Malta increases its Marine Protected Areas to 18

TMI: Malta increases its Marine Protected Areas to 18

From The 15th National Focal Points Meeting of the UN Protocol, focusing on Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean, is taking place in Malta. Malta is implementing different actions to safeguard its marine protected area network, which covers 4,100 km2 of Mediterranean waters, 13 times the size of the country’s land Read More

International Biodiversity Day: SEA MARVEL project continues marine research and monitoring

International Biodiversity Day: SEA MARVEL project continues marine research and monitoring

From Article by the Malta Independent The theme set this year for the international day for biodiversity is “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity,” the University of Malta has said. This is a theme that perfectly fits the target of the SEA MARVEL project to save, enhance, admire marine versatile life in the central Read More

Dolphins deep-dive online course

Dolphins deep-dive online course

Recently, attended a very interesting online session with Ms Patrizia Patti, who apart from giving an introduction to herself and other business ventures, which assist in marine research activity, also announced the launch of an in-depth course about dolphins. Dolphin Academy is a six-week course to learn more about dolphins and whales of the Read More

Malta Airport Foundation launches a video about the HMS Maori

Malta Airport Foundation launches a video about the HMS Maori

The Malta Airport Foundation has launched its second video about wrecks around the Maltese Islands, the HMS Maori. With a bit of history and marine biology aspects, it’s an interesting short introduction to the wreck which has introduced many divers to wreck diving. The Malta Airport Foundation had also sponsored the production of the first Read More

Jawless Sea Lamprey

Jawless Sea Lamprey

Marine Biologist Professor Alan Deidun recently shared the below Facebook post & picture of a beached Jawless Sea Lamprey – definitely not a top model for underwater photographers! Thanks for sharing Alan! Always sharing interesting stuff! More information on Wikipedia here:

Seahorse sighting

Seahorse sighting

They are masters of camouflage, but also unfortunately very rare and an endangered species even though protected by national legislation! The SeaHorse Trust: Project Malta has shared the below sighting, the first for 2023. Remember the cardinal rules for Seahorse sightings: don’t get too close, no lights or strobes, if it’s turning its back to Read More

Slow progress in protecting waters between Malta, Italy and Tunisia

Slow progress in protecting waters between Malta, Italy and Tunisia

Article by MaltaToday Informal discussions are still underway on the identification of a transboundary marine protected area in international waters between Italy, Malta and Tunisia, a spokesperson for Environment Minister Miriam Dalli has told MaltaToday. Italy’s Maritime Spatial Plan directly refers to the identification of a marine protected area between Italy, Malta and Tunisia in Read More

Department of Biology academics publish major review of Maltese fishes

Department of Biology academics publish major review of Maltese fishes

Re-sharing from University of Malta Newspoint A major work on Maltese ichthyology has just been published in the prominent online journal Diversity by five members of the Department of Biology – Prof. Joseph A. Borg, David Dandria, Dr Julian Evans, Dr Leyla Knittweis and Prof. Patrick J. Schembri. Entitled “A Critical Checklist of the Marine Read More

Dolphins, Whales, Turtles, Sharks, Jellyfish blooms, and Alien Species sighting reports

Dolphins, Whales, Turtles, Sharks, Jellyfish blooms, and Alien Species sighting reports

Transport Malta issued Local Notice to Mariners 18 of 2023 reminding that the Conservation Biology Research Group at the University of Malta is interesting in hearing from you if you see any of the above. Contact details are listed in the Notice to Mariners as reproduced below, but you may also report through the online Read More

New fish species discovered in Malta – The Marbled Goby

New fish species discovered in Malta – The Marbled Goby

From University of Malta Newspoint A new fish species has been recorded in Malta for the first time. The Marbled Goby Pomatoschistus marmoratus (Risso, 1810) is a species of fish that lives on sand bottoms, from very shallow inshore water down to about 20m. It has been recorded along the coasts of most of the Mediterranean. In 2022, Read More

‘Jellyfish Soup’: Annual Mass Spawning Arrives Early All Over Malta

‘Jellyfish Soup’: Annual Mass Spawning Arrives Early All Over Malta

From LovinMalta Heaps of huge jellyfish were spotted in Comino and all around Malta yesterday, meaning the annual mass spawning arrived much earlier than expected. ”Seems that the annual mauve stinger (Pelagia noctiluca) mass spawning (release of eggs) is in full swing already this year, courtesy of the calm weather we have had over the Read More

New algae species recorded in Maltese waters

New algae species recorded in Maltese waters

From University of Malta Scientific data about the molecular genetics of newly recorded algae from Maltese coastal waters have just been published in Cryptogamie Algologie, one of the scientific journals of the French National Museum of Natural History (Muséum National Histoire Naturelle -MNHN). The paper, titled ‘Ulva L. biodiversity in the central Mediterranean Sea: cryptic species and Read More

‘Eat alien shrimp,’ says marine expert

‘Eat alien shrimp,’ says marine expert reports that Oceanography experts are encouraging people to eat an alien species of shrimp that has seen an increase in population over the past five years. Prof. Alan Deidun took to Facebook on Monday with photos of the Red Sea mantis shrimp, a crustacean native to tropical waters first caught in Maltese waters five Read More

Marine biodiversity photographic exhibition launched for Maltese schools

Marine biodiversity photographic exhibition launched for Maltese schools

The University of Malta reported that the Interreg Italia-Malta SEA MARVEL project is sharing its research photographic outputs in a unique educational photographic exhibition for the benefit of Maltese schools. St Theresa College Middle School, Ta’ Paris, hosted the SEA MARVEL Workshop and the launching of this roving educational marine biodiversity and natura 2000 sites Read More

Rare marine life found to thrive around sunken wrecks around Malta

Rare marine life found to thrive around sunken wrecks around Malta reports that scientists have discovered that marine life thought to be rare or on the verge of extinction is now thriving on and around ship and plane wrecks at the bottom of the sea around the island. Several species of fishes, lobsters, sponges, corals and sea urchins have been considered rare since British rule Read More

Shark Spotted off Delimara Bay

Shark Spotted off Delimara Bay

LovinMalta reports that fishermen have spotted a Shark (potentially a Mako Shark) off Delimara Bay, Marsaxlokk, in the south of Malta. You may watch the video on Instagram here: Thanks to the fishermen for spotting it and sharing the video!

Fishermen save Dolphin from certain death

Fishermen save Dolphin from certain death shared a video of Fishermen saving a Dolphin from certain death, after it had gotten itself entangled in the ropes of fishing markers. The article (in Maltese), reports that two hobby fishermen saw the dolphin struggling at the surface outside of Mellieha Bay after it got entangled in the ropes, and they swiftly went Read More

Octopus Fest – on a kitchen table

Octopus Fest – on a kitchen table

It is well known that these islands have a sizeable group of dedicated individuals who practice spearfishing. This website is not at all against such practices, within the limits of the law. Spearfishing in fact, can be practiced in most areas of the Maltese Islands, except in conservation zones few other restricted areas. There are Read More

The MAARES project delivers its first results

The MAARES project delivers its first results reports that the MAARES project, co-funded by the MCST Space Fund Programme and Malta’s Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise (MEEE), has started to deliver its first tangible results one year into its implementation. Through a series of SCUBA dives within Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows in shallow waters within a number of local Read More

New fish caught in Mediterranean for first time

New fish caught in Mediterranean for first time

The University of Malta announced that a new fish for the Mediterranean – the white unicorn Naso annulatus – has been caught in Maltese waters and reported through the Spot the Alien Fish Campaign, a national citizen science campaign coordinated by Prof. Alan Deidun, Dr. Adam Gauci, Mr. Johann Galdies and Mr. Martin Galea De Read More

Environment: ‘Malta needs drastic measures to be taken now, not in 2050’

Environment: ‘Malta needs drastic measures to be taken now, not in 2050’

theShiftnews reports that initial reactions from environmental organisations to the National Strategy for the Environment (NSE) warn that without legally-binding targets and efforts to improve law enforcement, the exercise will result in nothing more than greenwashing. The consultation document published by the government on 7 Sept focuses on eight strategic goals related to “Clean Air, Read More

National Strategy for the Environment launched for consultation

National Strategy for the Environment launched for consultation reports that cleaner air quality, zero waste, thriving biodiversity, flourishing seas – these are among the goals Malta has to reach by 2050 according to the National Strategy for the Environment 2050 launched for public consultation on Wednesday. The strategy builds on eight strategic goals, which tackle traditional environmental facets while focusing on key Read More

Maltese Underwater Photographers in WikiLoves Earth Finals

Maltese Underwater Photographers in WikiLoves Earth Finals reports about the winners of the Malta edition of Wiki Loves Earth, the world’s largest nature photography competition, which included winning entries from UW Photographers Victor Micallef, Veronica Busuttil and Diego Delso. All 15 local winners are now in the running to be crowned among the best nature photographs taken in the world this year. The Read More

‘Focus on innovative ways to safeguard marine biodiversity urgently needed’ – marine biologist

‘Focus on innovative ways to safeguard marine biodiversity urgently needed’ – marine biologist

From The Malta Independent A new focus on innovative ways of reaching real sustainability and effective management to safeguard marine biodiversity is urgently needed, University of Malta Conservation biologist professor Adriana Vella said. The degradation of the Maltese seas and degraded marine life has been felt over the years, with the increase in sea pollution Read More

Rare bull ray spotted swimming in Maltese waters

Rare bull ray spotted swimming in Maltese waters

From A rare and endangered species of stingray has been spotted in Maltese waters. The bull ray or Aetomylaeus bovinus was spotted by free diver Glorianne Sciberras who shared footage of the creature skimming along the sandy bottom of a Maltese bay during a night dive. The bull ray can usually be distinguished from Read More

Shipwrecks could act as benchmarks to measure marine litter

Shipwrecks could act as benchmarks to measure marine litter

From the Malta Independent Exploratory workshops are being held to investigate the innovative idea of using Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) sites to study and survey marine litter. These workshops are being funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants. The litter that is seen floating on the surface of the ocean only accounts Read More

Alan Deidun Explains: First-Ever Marine Heatwave Currently Hitting Central Mediterranean

Alan Deidun Explains: First-Ever Marine Heatwave Currently Hitting Central Mediterranean

Isn’t the sea boiling enough at the moment for you to make tea with it? From Lovinmalta The first-ever recorded marine heatwave is currently hitting the central Mediterranean sea, as part of the ongoing effects of climate change. What is being described as “exceptional”, the marine heatwave has led to surface temperatures being five degrees Read More

Żibel Recover 150-Metre Ghost Net With Dead Fish Attached To It From Malta’s Waters

Żibel Recover 150-Metre Ghost Net With Dead Fish Attached To It From Malta’s Waters

From LovinMalta and Żibel Facebook Page NGO Żibel has once again outdone itself, with its members now recovering a whopping 150-metre ghost net from Malta’s waters. The ghost net, which was lifted up from the Ċirkewwa area, was found to have a number of marine animals attached to it, most of which were dead. The Read More

Betty Boo is being cared for by loving hands!

Betty Boo is being cared for by loving hands!

Nature Trust Wildlife Rescue Team wishes to thank Darshton and Andrew, who whilst on a fishing boat found a turtle with hook and line in mouth this morning. We wish to thank them immensely for keeping the turtle safe whilst bringing it in, and for not trying to remove the fishing line themselves. The juvenile, Read More

New edition of Xjenza Online

New edition of Xjenza Online

From Times of Malta Articles about various research studies recently conducted in Malta on themes ranging from mathematics and medicine to economics and social sciences, are included in the latest edition of Xjenza Online, the Malta Chamber of Scientists’ science journal, which was recently published. In one research project, researchers from the Aquaculture Directorate at Read More

Cigar jellyfish (Olindias phosphorica)

Cigar jellyfish (Olindias phosphorica)

From Prof. Alan Deidun’s Facebook Post The cigar jellyfish (Olindias phosphorica) makes its first appearance this summer……spotted at Ghadira….the species inflicts a mild sting only, which is best treated with vinegar in this case (consult page 5 of our online jellyfish sting treatment booklet –…/docs/firstaid.pdf); besides Ghadira, the species is also common in bays Read More

Rescued turtle released back into the sea after ten months of medical treatment

Rescued turtle released back into the sea after ten months of medical treatment

From Times of Malta A 20-year-old turtle was released back into the sea in Golden Bay on Friday morning following ten months of medical treatment after it was found with a fishing hook stuck in its mouth and a fishing line trapped in its stomach. Yvonne, an adult male loggerhead turtle, was rescued by a Read More

Fishes And Other Marine Animals by Mark Anthony Falzon, Patrick J. Schembri

Fishes And Other Marine Animals by Mark Anthony Falzon, Patrick J. Schembri

Information from Malta Online Bookshop and University of Malta Fishes and Other Marine Animals of the Maltese Islands has just been published by BDL. The book illustrates and discusses a selection of the species of fishes and marine invertebrates that are likely to be encountered by nearshore snorkelers and beachcombers. It is written in non-technical language Read More

Corallo Project

Corallo Project

Post and Video shared by Professor Alan Deidun on Facebook. “TIME TO WATCH! The CORALLO project….this is who we are and what we are trying to achieve……Championing the work of some of our best ocean ambassadors…….so that they can inspire others……Mark Galea Pace, Nikki Muscat, Henry Copperstone, Joe Borg, Patrizia Patti……..well done to Xavier Negreira Read More

Marine Life Sightings – Who to contact

Marine Life Sightings – Who to contact

During our dives and whilst travelling from site to site, you may see some interesting marine life which is also interesting for academic researchers. We include below some information as to who is interested in getting to know about some special marine life. Alternatively, if you can’t choose, or wish the sighting to be shared Read More

A Complete Guide On What You Should Do When You Spot Wild Dolphins In Malta

A Complete Guide On What You Should Do When You Spot Wild Dolphins In Malta

From LovinMalta With the summer season well underway, dolphin sightings, particularly of the bottlenose species, are becoming extremely common in Maltese waters. With that being said, many do not seem to be aware of the present code of conduct that should be obeyed when encountering wild dolphins, especially when on boats or jet skis. Lovin Read More

What to watch out for (apart from other Humans) when Diving or by the Maltese Islands’ seaside

What to watch out for (apart from other Humans) when Diving or by the Maltese Islands’ seaside

From Maltatoday There are over 300 fish species and endless varieties of other marine species inhabiting the Central Mediterranean region, and nature enabled those organisms to develop mechanisms that aid in their survival and evolution, to catch food and defend themselves against predators. Dr David James Sammut, author of a two-part article ‘Dangerous creatures of Read More

The Seahorse Trust: Project Malta

The Seahorse Trust: Project Malta

From Facebook SeaHorse Trust Page MALTA DIVERS- we need your help! There isn’t much data on seahorse populations in the waters of the Maltese archipelago and we need your help to start to collate and monitor seahorse populations in these beautiful waters. We’d like to get a better idea of the seahorse population in Malta, Read More

Malta should declare an ecological protection zone

Malta should declare an ecological protection zone

From Times of Malta A recent appeal by the President of the Republic for better and higher protection of our environment triggered my memory and spurred me to share publicly for the first time a proposal I had made, after months of meticulous research, to the Nationalist Party’s parliamentary group repeatedly since 2019 up until Read More

Cisk Lager supports clean-up campaign

Cisk Lager supports clean-up campaign

From Times of Malta Cisk Lager is a proud supporter of Coast is Clear, an all-year round clean-up campaign spearheaded by ex-waterpolo player Mark Galea Pace. “The main aim of Coast is Clear is to clear our country of the litter. However, the second aim is to raise awareness through social media and to grab Read More

Eight sharks released into the sea

Eight sharks released into the sea

From TimesofMalta Children, parents, and divers all headed up to Ċirkewwa to watch as eight baby sharks were released into the Mediterranean sea on Saturday morning.  The release was organised by NGO Sharklab Malta and the Malta National Aquarium. Today’s release marks Sharklab-Malta’s 350th successful shark release and the first public release event in the Read More

Museums equipped with technology aimed to create awareness about the Mediterranean sea

Museums equipped with technology aimed to create awareness about the Mediterranean sea

From TVM News By next year people will have a greater understanding of what’s in the sea around us and why it’s important that we conserve it. This is possible thanks to the Corallo project which among other things will create a new attraction in museums using technology to make both Maltese and tourists more Read More

‘There are so many jellyfish that we need to eat them’

‘There are so many jellyfish that we need to eat them’

From the Times of Malta Turning jellyfish into a delicacy is one of the most effective ways to control exploding jellyfish invasions in the Mediterranean, according to scientists. As jellyfish species bloom exponentially due to overfishing and climate change, scientists and a team of Michelin-star chefs around the world are working to put jellyfish soups, Read More

Drop in sea temperature linked to jellyfish invasion

Drop in sea temperature linked to jellyfish invasion

From Maltatoday An unexpected number of jellyfish in Maltese waters over the past few weeks was caused by the fact that the sea temperature went down to 14.6°C during the first two weeks of March, marine biologist Alan Deidun told MaltaToday.  Temperature changes in the sea affect the development of many species, including that of Read More

Lack of fish has turned Malta’s sea into ‘a beautiful cemetery’

Lack of fish has turned Malta’s sea into ‘a beautiful cemetery’

From Times of Malta Scuba divers who have been visiting the island’s underwater dive sites for decades are noticing a dramatic decline in fish populations. Seasoned divers who have been inside every marine cave for many years say today’s underwater life is nowhere as glorious as it used to be. “I have a Dutch friend Read More

More jellyfish are being spotted now because sea temperatures dropped in March – expert

More jellyfish are being spotted now because sea temperatures dropped in March – expert

From The Malta Independent We have been seeing more jellyfish in Malta’s waters lately because the sea’s temperature went down to 14.6 degrees in the first two weeks of March, said Director of the International Ocean Institute – Malta Training Centre Professor Alan Deidun. Deidun explained to The Malta Independent how such temperature changes affect Read More