Thanks to DiveSystems Malta for the amazing feast for the eyes of divers – so many barracudas on the wreck of the Le Polynesien.
Thanks to DiveSystems Malta for the amazing feast for the eyes of divers – so many barracudas on the wreck of the Le Polynesien.
Raniero does it again… Well, there’s probably no one in the Maltese Diving community who doesn’t know the indefatigable Raniero Borg, who as a seasoned diver keeps all young divers trying to catch their breath in keeping up with him, whether it’s whilst cleaning up in the innumerable cleanups as well as during “pleasure” dives Read More
From TVM News The beauty what lies under the sea around Malta has captivated a British tourist who has come to Malta more than 100 times to dive and explore the seabed. He said that all those who dive find another world which offers a mixture of caves, arches, tunnels and reefs. However what are Read More
divinginfo.mt has been in the last few weeks trying to identify the progress on the Objectives and action points that were announced as part of the “Developing a Sustainable Diving Industry in the Maltese Islands – A strategy for the future 2022” which had been announced on the 23 May 2022, in a glitzy press Read More
Seen on University of Malta Newspoint: Around 12 Malta-based stakeholders were brought together for a focus group on sustainable tourism on Thursday 26 January 2023. The focus group followed another one held at the University of Split in Croatia, on the same topic in September. The two meetings are part of the data being collected Read More
From the Facebook Event at: https://fb.me/e/14XuPs2uc Call to all Scuba and Freediving Clubs, Dive Centres, Suppliers of Services and other interested parties Divers do great things together. You can join in to do your part too for a great cause! We’ve been approached by Puttinu Cares (a charity helping children undergoing Cancer Treatment and their families) Read More
Open letter to Authorities by local divers and activists Mark Gatt and Raniero Borg Published on The Shift News on the 22/09/2023 Note: an earlier version of this article stated the wrong surname for the co-author Mark Gatt. Apologies for any inconvenience caused!